9 octobre 2015 / 10 h 39 / Arab Citizenship

Saudi-Born Singer Shams Bandar: Why Do We Pin All Our Problems on the West? by MEMRI TV Videos/Dream TV.


Shams. شمس

Why do we pin all our problems on the West? For 1,400 years, we have been slaughtering one another, just because one of us prays one way and another prays a different way. America wasn’t around 1,400 years ago. It wasn’t around even 300 years ago. We have been fighting and shedding blood for 1,400 years, and now we are blaming American and Britain?

La chanteuse Shams a déclaré vouloir renoncer à sa double nationalité saoudienne-koweïtienne et devenir britannique (elle dispose d’un passseport de Saint Kitts and Nevis).