2 août 2016 / 23 h 12 / Bicycle, herbivores et Noël

Bicycle. — A quirky English folding bike has achieved cult status with a specific appeal to urban cyclists. “A Brompton rider in Lycra is a rare sight.”

Je couve quelque chose. C’est sûr, je dois être malade… aujourd’hui, je trouvais les gens beaux, touchants. Pourvu que cela ne s’aggrave pas.

“So I named those boys ‘herbivorous boys’ since they are not interested in flesh.”

Alep, ville martyr. Avant, après.

Maybe we need a website enabling straight people to offer reparations directly to gay people. Just kidding.

“With Antonin Scalia’s sudden death earlier this year, control of the Supreme Court has become a popular justification for supporting Trump.”

Jamais trop tôt pour bien faire.

68 secondes.

How to lure a Cat.”