7 août 2016 / 11 h 05 / Post-gender, Pager and Asshole
British Muslim woman detained after flight attendant reports her for ‘suspicious behaviour.’ She was reading a book.
Top 10 least-loved emojis.
Post-gender Artist.
Cost of content.
“The editorial costs add up to a whopping $865 per article on average, or $17,300 (USD) per month. This still doesn’t include the expenses for server maintenance or the full-time in-house front-end developer, adding another €6,100 per month. So, in reality, it’s more like $23,400 per month, or $1,170 per article.”
Bienfaits du tabac.
“L’éditorial qui accompagne l’étude du Dr Rocca avance que les autorités de santé publique doivent se préparer à une augmentation en flèche des cas de parkinson à cause de la baisse du tabagisme.” Sujet pas très nouveau (1926).
Even an asshole can do it.
“The World’s Biggest Asshole.”